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Support & FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I share my account with a co-worker?

No. Your course is limited to single user access. If a co-worker needs access to a course and does not have access to this training, he or she should contact their Manager.

Does your site keep track of my score?

Yes. This training site keeps track of your score on each quiz you take, as well as the answers you selected.

Can I review the quizzes I took in the past?

Yes. You can open and review any of your completed quizzes by clicking on the “My Profile” tab at the top of this page. From there, click on “My Courses” on the left side menu and re-open the course from your library.

Can I pause my quiz and come back to it later?

Yes. A quiz can be paused at any time until you are ready to come back and finish. When you are ready to continue your quiz, simply go to “My Courses” on the left side menu in your account, click “Continue” on the course, then click “Continue” on the quiz module.

What if I need help?

If you have questions about course content, please contact your Manager. If your question is about the course functionality or your account, scroll down on this page to find the contact form. Fill out the support request fields and submit your question to our support team.

What if I forget my username or password?

If you cannot remember your login information, click HERE and we will send a password reset link to the email address or mobile phone number associated with your account.

Contact Support